The CEO of LLC "Agrarum" Tatyana Medvedeva took part in the roundtable "Socially-oriented business in the environmental sphere" in Rostov-on-Don.
April 27, 2017, a round table "Socially-oriented business in the environmental sphere", organized by the Club "Entrepreneurial Environment" in conjunction with the Don State Public Library was held in Rostov-on-Don.
The round table is devoted to the urgent social and environmental problems of the region, making decisions for successful development and interaction. At the event were discussed questions about projects in the sphere of ecological development of Greater Rostov territories, social entrepreneurial initiatives in the sphere of ecology, as well as directions for the implementation of environmental initiatives, and analyzed Russian and foreign experience.
Leaders and specialists of state and municipal administration authorities, representatives of public and non-profit organizations and foundations, scientists, students and representatives of the business community of the region were invited to participate, including the CEO of LLC "Agrarum" Tatyana Medvedeva.
As a result of the event, were identified specific problems of socially-oriented business in the sphere of ecology and were discussed ways of solving these problems.
On January 5, 2016, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin declared the year 2017 a year of ecology. Therefore, this event has high importance, relevance and, most importantly, usefulness for the region.